Quick Start: Salesforce DX

Set Up Your Salesforce DX Environment

  • The Salesforce Developer Experience (DX) is a set of tools that streamlines the entire development cycle. It:
    • Improves team development and collaboration,
    • Facilitates automated testing and continuous integration, and
    • Makes the release cycle more efficient and agile.
  • A scratch org is a dedicated, configurable, short-term Salesforce environment that you can quickly spin up to create a new project, feature, or test.
  • A Developer Hub (Dev Hub) is the main Salesforce org that a team uses to create and manage scratch orgs.
    • Enable a Dev Hub in a Developer Edition or Trailhead Org by following these instructions:
      • Log into the target org as an admin. Then, Setup > Quick Find > “Dev Hub” > Enable Dev Hub
      • Once enabled, cannot be disabled.
  • Get the Dev Hub login credentials by following these instructions
    • Navigate to “Get Your Login Credentials” tab on the Playground Starter page.
  • Follow these instructions to set up Salesforce CLI
    • On Mac, this install takes the form of a straightforward, graphical installation of a .pkg file
    • Once installed, confirm by running the following from the command line: sfdx update. Output like sfdx-cli: Updating CLI... indicates the package is installed.
  • Log In to the Dev Hub
    • Create an alias DevHub by using -a and make this the default org using -d:
      • sfdx auth:web:login -d -a DevHub
    • This will open the Salesforce login page in the web browser
      • Logging in to the Dev Hub on that screen will display a message like: Successfully authorized ryan.wingate@curious-impala-b5gy74.com... After this authentication, the CLI remembers your Dev Hub credentials.

Set Up the Project on Your Local Machine

  • Download a Project from GitHub
    • mkdir my_sfdx_project
    • cd my_sfdx_project
    • git clone https://github.com/trailheadapps/dreamhouse-lwc.git
    • cd dreamhouse-lwc
  • Create a Branch for your project
    • Creating a branch is a best practice as defined by GitHub Flow. It helps ensure your Master branch is a clean and production-ready version of your code.
    • git checkout -b my_branch

Create and Test Our Scratch Org

  • Create a scratch org, set it as default, and give it an alias:
    • sfdx force:org:create -s -f config/project-scratch-def.json -a dreamhouse-org
    • As output, you will receive the org ID and the username. No passwords are needed because Salesforce DX uses cached authentication tokens
  • Open the just-created scratch org:
    • sfdx force:org:open
    • Because the scratch org was set as default using the -s flag, the system stores the authentication token and uses it to log in for you.
    • The scratch org will open in a new window.

Push Source Metadata to Scratch Org

  • Push the dreamforce-lwc project into the scratch org:
    • sfdx force:source:push

Assign a Permission Set to the DreamHouse App

  • The Dreamhouse app Salesforce set up for this demo uses a permission set to provide access. Assign the permission set by running the command:
    • sfdx force:user:permset:assign -n Dreamhouse

Import Test Data

  • Import sample data by running this command:
    • sfdx force:data:tree:import --plan data/sample-data-plan.json
    • Use force:data commands to manipulate records in your org through the command-line terminal window.

Note: Your Dev Hub org edition determines how many scratch orgs can be created daily.