Declarative Lookup Rollup Summaries (DLRS)

High-Level Steps

  1. Create Field where Rollup Data will appear
  2. Install the DLRS tool
  3. Create Remote Site Settings
  4. Define Rollup Summary
  5. Manage Child Triggers + Deploy
  6. Mark as Active
  7. Calculate

1. Create Field where Rollup Data will Appear

For this example, number field with label Number of Campaigns Responded placed on the Contact object (Parent object, where the rollup will appear).

2. Install the DLRS Tool

Go here:, then scroll down to “Package Release History,” and use the Production URL/Sandbox URL links as appropriate. Select “Install for All Users” when presented with the package install screen.

Once installed, DLRS will show up as an app in the org.

3. Create Remote Site Settings

This step was not required for my Trailhead org using version 2.12 of the DLRS tool.

4. Define Rollup Summary

Define various fields on the Manage Lookup Rollup Summaries tab

Field Value for Example Description
Lookup Rollup Summary Name Number of Campaign Responses
Lookup Rollup Summary Unique Name Number_of_Campaign_Responses No Spaces
Parent Object Contact Object with the Rollup field displayed
Child Object CampaignMember Object being aggregated, API Name
Relationship Field ContactId 1
Relationship Criteria HasResponded=True Subsets the records that are aggregated
Relationship Criteria Fields HasResponded 2
Field to Aggregate id
Aggregate Operation Count 3
Aggregate Result Field Number_of_Campaigns_Responded__c Field that will hold the result
Aggregate all Rows Checked 4

1: Where is the relationship field that relates the Parent to the Child, in this case located on CampaignMember, Field Name for field with Data Type Lookup(Contact)
2: Copy all the fields in the Relationship Criteria field into this field
3: Sum, Max, Min, Avg, Count, Count Distinct, Concatenate, Concatenate Distinct, First, Last
4: If checked, will include archived records and records in recycling bin

5. Manage Child Triggers + Deploy

On the Manage Lookup Rollup Summaries tab, click the Manage Child Trigger button. Then, click the Deploy button at the bottom.

6. Mark as Active

Note: need to deploy before setting as Active.

Set as Active from the Manage Lookup Rollup Summaries tab. Select the “Active” checkbox. Save.

7. Calculate

Click the Full Calculate button. If Calculation Mode is set to Realtime, the field will calculate every time the triggering fields are updated.