App Builder Cert Maintenance (Winter '22)

Learn What’s New for App Builders in Winter ’22

Enable Multi-Factor Authentication. Build more interactive Lightning Pages with Dynamic Interactions. Control access to sensitive data with restriction rules. Grant access based on Activated User Sessions for Permission Set Groups. Choose more options when you debug a flow.

According to this Certification Maintenance help article, beginning with the Spring, ‘20 release, all certifications now require completion of one maintenance module per year.

The Winter ‘22 maintenance module for App Builders was available 12/8/21 and is due in December 2, 2022.

Prepare for the Future Requirement to Enable Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)

  • All internal users who log in to Salesforce through the user interface are required to enable multi-factor authentication
    • Required beginning 2/1/2022
  • MFA requires users to prove their identity by providing 2+ pieces of evidence when they log in (username and password and Salesforce Authenticator/physical security key)
  • Learn more at Setup > Quick Find > “MFA” > Multi-Factor Authentication Assistant

Build More Interactive Lightning Pages with Dynamic Interactions

  • With Dynamic Interactions, an event occurring in one component on a lightning page (like a user clicking an item in a list view) can update other components on the page
  • Dynamic Interactions are built when admins and developers work together to design the applications
    • First, developer writes custom Lightning web components that power the dynamic interactions
    • Then developer defines events that are supported by a component and exposes them in Lightning App Builder
    • For each event, admins create interactions between the source and target components using a new Dynamic Interactions UI in App Builder’s properties pane
  • If a component has its events exposed, its properties pane has two tabs: Properties and Interactions.
    • Interactions tab: has all the events the developer exposed for the selected component

Grant Access Based on Activated User Sessions for Permission Set Groups

  • Combines the management power of permission set groups with session-based access control
  • Example: imagine you have a customized Salesforce app that accesses confidential info. Users need to have access limited to a predetermined time span, with some users needing longer time than others.
    • First, create a permission set group that includes the required permission sets.
    • Then, activate the session-based permission set group by creating a flow or using the API to create custom logic
  • Note the Session Activation Required checkbox on the Permission Set Group create page.
  • Activate the session for the permission set group using a flow or the SessionPermSetActivation SOAL API object.

Choose Additional Options When You Debug a Flow

  • Now, when you debug a flow, you can see element labbels in both Flow Builder and flow error emails
  • In Flow Builder, expand all debug details or show the element API names or both

Improve Page Performance with Custom Lightning Component Analysis

  • Updates to the Lightning page analysis tool in App Builder:
    1. Predicted “Experienced Page Time” (EPT) IE page load time as a gauge
    2. Page load breakdown by component (custom components, related lists, activities, highlights panel, etc) in milliseconds
    3. Recommendations for optimizing custom components appear when relevant