Database 101
The practice problems below rely on this managed package being installed in the org. The description of the objects and fields is available here and reproduced below.
Student (apxio__Student__c
Represents a student that can be enrolled in classes.
Field | Type | Additional Info |
Name |
Text | Standard Name field. Should contain student’s full name. |
apxio__Phone__c |
Phone | |
apxio__Email__c |
apxio__Registration_Number__c |
Autonumber | Autonumber assigned after record is created. |
apxio__Home_Planet__c |
Picklist | Remember that we’re far off into the future. Valid values include Earth , Mars , Neptune , Saturn , Uranus . |
apxio__Cumulative_GPA__c |
Number | Allows one digit before and two digits after decimal point. |
Course (apxio__Course__c
Represents a course that may be offered as a class as part of a semester.
Field | Type | Additional Info |
Name |
Text | Standard Name field. Should contain a descriptive name of the course |
apxio__Course_Details__c |
Rich Text Area | Free-form description of the course. |
apxio__Credits__c |
Picklist | Valid values include 0 , 1 , 2 , 3 , and 4 |
apxio__Active__c |
Checkbox |
Class (apxio__Class__c
A class record is a course that is being offered for registration at a campus as part of a semester. Students can be enrolled in classes.
Field | Type | Additional Info |
Name |
Text | Standard Name field |
apxio__Course__c |
Master-detail | The course (apxio__Course__c ) that is being offered as a class |
apxio__Description__c |
Text Area | Free-form description |
apxio__Max_Enrollment__c |
Number | Maximum number of students allowed to enroll in a class |
apxio__Offered_Semester__c |
Lookup | The offered semester (apxio__Offered_Semester__c ) this class is being offered in |
apxio__Primary_Teacher__c |
Lookup | The primary teacher (apxio__Teacher__c ) assigned to this course |
Class Enrollment (apxio__Class_Enrollment__c
An enrollment is a junction between Student and Class representing that the given student is/was enrolled in the class.
Field | Type | Additional Info |
Name |
Auto Number | Auto-generated. Does not need to filled out |
apxio__Offered_Class__c |
Master-detail | The class (apxio__Class__c ) that the student is enrolled in |
apxio__Student__c |
Master-detail | The student (apxio__Student__c ) enrolled in the class |
apxio__Final_Grade__c |
Picklist | Valid values include 4.00 , 3.67 , 3.33 , 3.00 , 2.67 , 2.33 , 2.00 , 1.67 , 1.33 , 1.00 , 0.67 , 0.33 , and 0.00 |
apxio__Grade_Change_Reason__c |
Text Area | Text that should be filled out if the grade is changed |
apxio__Pass_Fail__c |
Formula (Text) | Reads Pass if the final grade is 2.00 or above, Fail if it is 0.67 or below, and blank if the final grade is blank |
apxio__Tuition_Rate__c |
Picklist | Valid values include In-planet and Out-of-planet . Remember that we’re in the future! Predatory price-gouging by educational institutions is no longer based on state and country lines, but on planetary boundaries! |
126 - Insert Student
The method insertStudent
takes as input strings name
and email
, and returns a record ID. Implement the method to insert an apxio__Student__c
record with the Name
and apxio__Email__c
fields filled out, and return the Id
of the new record.
You will be working with the following custom object and field names for this problem:
public Id insertStudent(String name, String email) {
apxio__Student__c student = new apxio__Student__c(); = name;
student.apxio__Email__c = email;
insert student;
return student.Id;
132 - Insert Course
The method insertCourse
takes as input strings name
and details
, an integer credits
, and returns a record ID. Implement the method to insert a apxio__Course__c
record with the Name
and apxio__Course_Details__c
and apxio__Credits__c
fields filled out, and return the Id
of the new record.
Note that apxio__Credits__c
is a restricted picklist with valid values 1
, 2
, 3
, and 4
. If an invalid value is provided for this picklist, return null
You will be working with the following custom object and field names for this problem:
public Id insertCourse(String name, String details, Integer credits) {
apxio__Course__c course = new apxio__Course__c(); = name;
course.apxio__Course_Details__c = details;
course.apxio__Credits__c = String.valueOf(credits);
try {
insert course;
} catch(Exception e) {
return null;
return course.Id;
127 - Register Student
The method registerStudent
takes as input strings name
, phone
and email
, and returns a string
. Implement the method to insert an apxio__Student__c
record with the Name
, apxio__Phone__c
and apxio__Email__c
fields filled out, and return the autogenerated apxio__Registration_Number__c
of the new record.
You will be working with the following custom object and field names for this problem:
public String registerStudent(String name, String phone, String email) {
apxio__Student__c student = new apxio__Student__c(); = name;
student.apxio__Phone__c = phone;
student.apxio__Email__c = email;
insert student;
// When records are inserted, the Id is available immediately available on the record, but
// other fields that were changed or populated as a result of the insert are not.
// Note use of bind variable (:) below
apxio__Student__c insertedStudent = [SELECT apxio__Registration_Number__c
FROM apxio__Student__c
WHERE apxio__Student__c.Id = :student.Id];
return insertedStudent.apxio__Registration_Number__c;
128 - Active Students
Implement the method selectActiveStudents
that returns a list of all apxio__Student__c
records with apxio__Active__c
field checked. Make sure the students have a value in the Id
and Name
You will be working with the following custom object and field names for this problem:
public List<apxio__Student__c> selectActiveStudents() {
List<apxio__Student__c> students = [SELECT Id, Name
FROM apxio__Student__c
WHERE apxio__Active__c=True];
return students;
130 - Unreachable Students
Implement the method selectUnreachableStudents
that queries for and returns a list of all active apxio__Student__c
records that are unreachable because they are missing both an email and a phone number. Make sure to include the Id
and Name
fields in the result. The returned list should be sorted A-Z on Name
For example, given the following list of students in the database:
Student Name | Phone | Active | |
Brian Crumley | (791)232-997 | | true |
Paulina Smith | true | ||
Azeem Khan | | true |
The method should return a list with a single record for Paulina Smith
You will be working with the following custom object and field names for this problem:
public List<apxio__Student__c> selectUnreachableStudents() {
List<apxio__Student__c> unreachable = [SELECT Id, Name
FROM apxio__Student__c
WHERE apxio__Active__c=True
AND apxio__Phone__c=null
AND apxio__Email__c=null
return unreachable;
129 - Students Missing Info
Implement the method selectStudentsWithoutContactInfo
that queries for and returns a list of all active apxio__Student__c
records that are missing an email, phone, or both. Make sure to include the Id
and Name
fields in the result. The returned list should be sorted A-Z on Name.
For example, given the following list of students in the database:
Student Name | Phone | Active | |
Brian Crumley | (791)232-997 | | true |
Paulina Smith | true | ||
Azeem Khan | | true |
The method should return a list containing Azeem Khan at index 0 and Paulina Smith at index 1
You will be working with the following custom object and field names for this problem:
Discuss this problem on the Trailblazer Community Group
public List<apxio__Student__c> selectStudentsWithoutContactInfo() {
List<apxio__Student__c> noContactInfo = [SELECT Id, Name
FROM apxio__Student__c
WHERE apxio__Active__c=True
AND (apxio__Phone__c=null
OR apxio__Email__c=null)
return noContactInfo;
131 - Course and Class
The method createCourseAndClass
takes as input string parameters courseName
and description
, and returns void. Provide an implementation of the method that first inserts a apxio__Course__c
record with the provided name and description (if provided) copied into the Name
and apxio__Course_Details__c
fields, and then inserts a child apxio__Class__c
record with the same name and description copied into the Name
and apxio__Description__c
There is, however, a difference between the course details and description fields on the two objects. While the apxio__Course__c.apxio__Course_Details__c
has type Rich Text capable of storing thousands of characters, apxio__Class__c.apxio__Description__c
can only store a maximum of 255 characters. Make sure to truncate the description to 255 characters before adding it to your apxio__Class__c
record. You can assume that the provided description will never be too large for the rich text field.
You will be working with the following custom object and field names for this problem:
public void createCourseAndClass(String name, String description) {
apxio__Course__c course = new apxio__Course__c();
course.Name = name;
course.apxio__Course_Details__c = description;
insert course;
apxio__Class__c cls = new apxio__Class__c();
cls.Name = name;
cls.apxio__Description__c = description?.left(255);
cls.apxio__Course__c = course.Id;
insert cls;
133 - Student List
The method insertStudents
takes as input two lists of strings studentNames
and studentEmails
. The two lists will always have the same size, with studentNames[i]
and studentEmails[i]
(for any in-range value of i
) representing a student’s name and email.
Write an implementation of the method that creates apxio__Student__c
records for each entry in the lists with the Name
and apxio__Email__c
fields filled out.
You will be working with the following custom object and field names for this problem:
public void insertStudents(List<String> studentNames, List<String> studentEmails) {
List<apxio__Student__c> students = new List<apxio__Student__c>();
for (Integer i = 0; i < studentNames.size(); i++) {
apxio__Student__c student = new apxio__Student__c(); = studentNames[i];
student.apxio__Email__c = studentEmails[i];
insert students;
134 - Class from Course
Implement the method classFromCourse
that takes as input a string courseName
, creates an apxio__Class__c
record associated with the course named courseName
, and returns the Id
of the new record. The new class should have the same Name
as the course.
You should not create a new apxio__Course__c
record. The new class should be linked to the course that already exists in the database. In case no course with the given name is found, do not create any class record and return null.
You will be working with the following custom object and field names for this problem:
public Id classFromCourse(String courseName) {
List<apxio__Course__c> course = [SELECT Id, Name
FROM apxio__Course__c
WHERE apxio__Course__c.Name =: courseName];
if (course.size() == 0) {
return null;
apxio__Class__c cls = new apxio__Class__c();
cls.Name = course[0].Name;
cls.apxio__Course__c = course[0].Id;
insert cls;
return cls.Id;
135 - Enroll Students
Implement the method enrollStudents
that takes as input a list of strings emails
and a string className
and returns a boolean. The method should enroll all students with the provided emails into a class with the given name by creating apxio__Class_Enrollment__c
Note that apxio__Student__c
and apxio__Class__c
records already exist in the database.
You will be working with the following custom object and field names for this problem:
public void enrollStudents(List<String> emails, String className) {
List<apxio__Class_Enrollment__c> enrollments = new List<apxio__Class_Enrollment__c>();
List<apxio__Student__c> students = [SELECT Id, apxio__Email__c
FROM apxio__Student__c
WHERE apxio__Email__c IN: emails ];
List<apxio__Class__c> cls = [SELECT Id, Name
FROM apxio__Class__c
WHERE Name =: className];
for(Integer i=0; i<students.size(); i++){
apxio__Class_Enrollment__c enrollment = new apxio__Class_Enrollment__c();
enrollment.apxio__Student__c = students[i].Id;
enrollment.apxio__Offered_Class__c = cls[0].Id;
insert enrollments;