Enhanced Transaction Security

Get Started with Transaction Security

Describe the benefits of Transaction Security. Explain what policies, actions, and notifications are. State use cases for Transaction Security.
  • Transaction Security is powerful. An incorrect “Login Event” policy that uses Block as its real-time action locks you out of your org.
    • To use Transaction Security, you have to purchase Salesforce Shield or Salesforce Shield Event Monitoring add-on subscription
    • To check if your org has Salesforce Shield, search for Platform Encryption in quick find search
      • If “Platform Encryption” is available in Setup, it means your org has shield licenses

What is Transaction Security?

  • Possible applications for Transaction Security:
    1. Preventing users from using an unsupported browser
    2. Preventing users from exporting reports with more than 1000 records on them
    3. Setting up an alert that notifies someone when users run reports containing sensitive data
  • Transaction Security is a feature that monitors Salesforce events in real time. They consist of policies that include events, notifications, and actions:
    • Event: anything that happens in Salesforce, user clicks, record state changes, measuring values. Immutable and timestamped.
    • Policies rules and actions that are triggered when the event occurs. Can be extended with Apex for customized protection.
  • Some of the available Event Types:
    • API Event: monitoring and protecting all API queries, which can prevent unauthorized data exports
    • List View Event: tracks user’s access to list views from both UI and API queries
    • Login Event: monitoring login details. Blocks logins from untrusted locations, unsupported browsers, specific event types
    • Report Event: blocks or requires MFA for access to sensitive info
  • Actions to take when a policy is triggered:
    • Block the operation
    • Require a higher level of assurance with MFA
    • Do Nothing
    • Policy notifications via Email, in-app notifications, etc
  • Use case explored next involves ensuring users are not exporting large amounts of data from reports

  • Benefits of Transaction Security:
    1. You can select events to monitor
    2. You can select actions to take in real time
  • Which components can you configure when building Transaction Security policies?
    1. Actions
    2. Notification method

Create Transaction Security Policies

Enable Transaction Security. Use Condition Builder to define, edit, enable, and disable your own policies.

Enable Transaction Security

  • First, enable Transaction Security via Setup > Quick Find > “Transaction Security” > Transaction Security Policies

Create a Policy

  • Condition Builder can be used to create policies declaratively, but Apex is needed for some custom use cases.

Event options:

Conditions that trigger the policy:

Action options:

List view of the policies:

Use Apex in Transaction Security Policies

Explain how to create a Transaction Security policy that uses Apex. Describe the basic elements of the Apex class that implements a Transaction Security policy.

Create a Policy that Uses Apex

  • Condition Builder (declarative policy builder) is powerful but doesn’t support all complex use cases, such as branching logic, querying data, looping over queried data - implement an Apex class for these instead
    • Ex: Limiting the number of records a users can view or export to 10, unless the users have the “Data Steward” address

Screen 1:

Screen 2:

Screen 3:

Edit the Apex Class

  • Click the “Apex Condition” link in the Policy list view to navigate to the Apex Class.
  • Replace the code with the following:
global class PreventLargeDataExportEventCondition implements TxnSecurity.EventCondition {
    public boolean evaluate(SObject event) {
        switch on event{
            when ReportEvent reportEvent {
                return evaluate(reportEvent);
            when null {
                // Don't take policy action when event is null
                return false;
            when else{
                // Don't take policy action when event is not handled
                return false;
     * Handle evaluating ReportEvent
    private boolean evaluate(ReportEvent reportEvent){
        Profile profile = [SELECT Name FROM Profile WHERE Id IN
                            (SELECT profileId FROM User WHERE Id = :reportEvent.UserId)];
        // Take policy action only if the user profile is not 'Data Steward' and
        // RowsProcessed greater than 10.
        if (!profile.Name.contains('Data Steward')
            && reportEvent.RowsProcessed > 10) {
            return true;
        return false;

Understand the Apex Code

  • Policy action is triggered if:
    • User doesn’t have the Data Steward profile
    • User views or exports more than 10 records of a report
  • PreventLargeDataExportEventCondition class implements the TxnSecurity.EventCondition Apex interface, which is a requirement for Apex-based Transaction Security profiles.
    • Requires a method called evaluate(SObject), which takes an SObject parameter and returns a Boolean, which determines if the policy triggers (true) or not (false).
    • In the method, a switch statement transforms the passed in SObject into an event. In this example, the SObject is transformed into a ReportEvent. Using a switch means that this same method can handle multiple event types.
    • The ReportEvent is then passed to a helper method called evaluate(ReportEvent), which is where the condition testing happens.

What’s Next?

  • There are many other events you can track, such as list view usage and logins
  • Another Example Apex class
global class BlockLargeDataExportEventCondition implements TxnSecurity.EventCondition {
    public boolean evaluate(SObject event) {
        switch on event{
            when ReportEvent reportEvent {
                return evaluate(reportEvent);
            when null {
                // Don't take policy action when event is null
                return false;
            when else{
                // Don't take policy action when event is not handled
                return false;
     * Handle evaluating ReportEvent
    private boolean evaluate(ReportEvent reportEvent){
        Profile profile = [SELECT Name FROM Profile WHERE Id IN
                            (SELECT profileId FROM User WHERE Id = :reportEvent.UserId)];
        if (!profile.Name.contains('System Administrator')
            && reportEvent.RowsProcessed > 100) {
            return true;
        return false;