User Setup, 7%

Identify the steps to set up and/or maintain a user (for example, assign licenses, reset passwords, and resolve locked user accounts). Understand the implications of activating, deactivating, or freezing a user.

User Management Settings and GDPR

  • Access User Interface settings via: Settings > User Interface > User Interface
  • User Management Settings: Settings > Users > User Management Settings
    • Recommends to Enable Enhanced Profile List Views and Enhanced Profile User Interface
      • Enhanced Profile User Interface - impacts display of user interface. Without enabling this, the UI for profiles is very complex and daunting
  • Become GDPR compliant by:
    • Enable User Self Deactivate - lets external users (community users) self-deactivate
    • Enable Scramble Specific Users' Data - Apex method (obfuscateUser)

Search Settings

  • “Search Settings” - only available in Setup in Classic
    • Lightning and Classic are just “Window dressing” on the functionality. Admins should focus on the functionality.
  • “Search Settings” have to do with “Global Search”
    • Can “Limit to Items I Own”
    • Can reduce the number of search results displayed, and set the limit on a per-object basis
  • Lookup Settings:
    • Enable Enhanced Looksups let users filter, sort, page through searcy results, customize columns
    • Lookup auto-completion displays suggestions from Recent Items as you type

Creating and Filtering List Views

  • List Views are a powerful means of performing bulk updates on several records at once. Select multiple check boxes and then updating a field will give you the option of updating multiple records
    • Can be shared with groups of users
    • Can have inserted charts, parameters: Type, Aggregate Type, Aggregate Field, Grouping Field

Creating Kanban List Views

  • Kanban list views
    • Useful view for object with a Stage (like Opportunities) or Status (like Leads) designations
    • Kanbans can be grouped by almost any Picklist value (these become the columns)
      • Great for dynamically dragging and dropping records from one picklist value to another

Customizing a Home Page Layout

  • Home Page is the view that users see on the “Home” tab
  • Home Page Layou8ts differ significantly between classic and lightning
    • Classic: Setup > Search “Home Page” > Home Page Layouts
    • Lightning: Gear Icon > Edit Page
  • Two steps to editing in lightning experience: make edits, activate page

Themes and Branding

  • Only available in lightning experience
  • Setup > Search “themes” > Themes and Branding
    • Can add as many as 300 custom themes
    • Can set RGB values for the brand color, page background, global header background, etc

Creating a New User

  • Create a new User via: Setup > User
    • Username must be unique across all orgs
    • Generally, use Salesforce User License instead of Salesforce Platform
    • Per user: 1 profile, 0 or 1 role assigned
    • When creating a new user, the org-wide locale settings copy over for the new user
  • See counts of available licenses via: Setup > Company Information

Creating Multiple Users and Assigning Licenses

  • From Setup > User, can Set Up Multiple Users that have the same profile
  • Changing to a cheaper license type can save orgs thousands of dollars/month
  • In-depth User License Info available from Company Info page
    • Salesforce: user needs access to custom apps and standard CRM functionality
    • Salesforce Platform: user needs access to custom apps but no access to standard CRM functionality

Resetting a User Password

  • Rare to reset passwords for multiple users at once, but its possible via user setup page
  • Salesforce is the “most attainable path to a cloud career”! - MW

Resolving Locked User Accounts

  • When users are first set up and receive the “Welcome to Salesforce, Verify Your Account” email
    • If users do not click “Verify Account,” but instead go straight to, copy their username, and then try to log in, then they are stuck in limbo.
      • The issue can be compounded if they have saved their password in their browser
    • View “Login History” on the user’s login page. May see “Invalid Password” on their recent login times, if this is the case.
    • If users type in the wrong username when attempting to log in, Salesforce will email that incorrect email, which will bounce.
      • Users may also save the username in their browser, which will compound the problem
      • If the user reports trying to log in, but the attempts aren’t showing up under Login History, then the user is either:
        • Typing the incorrect username or
        • Trying to log into an incorrect domain, like
    • After several unsuccessful attempts to log in, the user’s account will be locked.
      • This can be resolved by clicking the “Unlock” button on their user.
      • Helpful to immediately reset their password, and tell them to click on the “Verify Button”

Activating and Deactivating a User

  • To deactivate a user, click “Edit” on their user and then un-check the “Active” checkbox
    • Deactivating a user will free up their license for use by others
    • Reactivate a user by re-checking the Active checkbox
  • Not as easy to deactivate someone integral to the org, like:
    • System Admins, default lead owners, time-based workflows attached to the user, etc
    • Warnings will indicate this.
    • May be necessary to freeze these users instead of deactivating them.

Freezing a User

  • Default Lead Owners cannot be deactivated. There are other examples where users are designated to perform a certain task that may be automated in nature.
    • Could change the default lead owner via: Setup > Search “Lead” > Lead Settings
  • In a scenario where there are multiple reasons a user cannot be deactivated (and they have been laid off), it may be best to quickly Freeze the user to prevent them from doing any damage to the org.
    • Freezed” users are unable to log in, but they are still Active in Salesforce, and they still have their license attached to their user.

Logging in as Another User

  • Bad practice to login using a user’s password. Instead, turn on the Administrators Can Log in as Any User checkbox.
    • Access via: Setup > Security > Login Access Policies > Administrators Can Log in as Any User checkbox
    • Makes it easy to determine if the user is seeing something different than the admin expects.
  • After logging in as another user, by default, admins need to log out of Salesforce entirely to return to normal admin access.
    • Can turn off this requirement via: Setup > Session > Session Settings
      • Force relogin after Login-As-User
  • Mike Wheeler recommends not using Internet Explorer 11 with Lightning Experience

SalesforceA Mobile App for User Administration

  • “SalesforceA” application is distinct from “Salesforce Mobile”
    • SalesforceA enables performing common admin tasks: Reset Passwords, Freeze Users, etc.
    • Available on both iOS and Android