DX Complete Guide - Package-Based Development

11 - Package Based Development vs. Org Based Development

  • Salesforce DX is built with package-based development in mind
    • Org-based development - source of truth is production org

  • Package-based development - source of truth is package
    • Benefits: better reusability, better version history tracking, better dependency tracking
    • Useful for consulting companies, 3rd party app developers, companies that maintain multiple Salesforce orgs, etc
    • Benefits less obvious for brand new orgs, but all Salesforce orgs grow
      • Will eventually result in unwanted dependencies/constraints

  • Salesforce DX uses Second Generation packages that are different than usual managed packages most admins deal with declaratively

12 - Register a Namespace

  • Salesforce developer instructions for these steps here
  • First step when setting up a package is to register a namespace. AW completed this step in a second org.
    • Setup > Quick Find > “package” > Package Manager > Edit > Continue
      • Select a Namespace Prefix (1-15 character alphanumeric ID unique across all orgs)
  • Second step is to turn on my domain
    • Setup > Quick Find > “my domain”
      • My DevHub org already had MyDomain enabled. I had to change it to be able to access “Namespace Registries”

… 4 minutes in - unable to find the “Namespace Registries” tab

13 - Creating Packages

14 - Managing Packages

15 - Set Up Package Dependencies

16 - Package Existing Metadata

17 - Set Up Org-Based Development

18 - Sandbox Development

19 - Deploy to Production

20 - Metadata Coverage Report

21 - Perform DML Statements

22 - Query Records

23 - Data Tree Migration

24 - Bulk Data Loads

25 - Create Apex Classes and Triggers

26 - Run Apex Tests

27 - Debug Logs

28 - Apex Replay Debugger

29 - Apex Interactive Debugger

30 - Introduction to Lightning Web Components

31 - Creating Lightning Web Components

32 - Running Jest Tests

33 - Running Local LWC Server

34 - Introduction to Git

35 - Create a GitHub Account

36 - Creating Your GitHub Repo

37 - Navigating GitHub

38 - GitHub Workflow

39 - Introduction to Continuous Integration and Delivery

40 - Set up Salesforce CLI GitHub Action

41 - Testing Builds

42 - Creating Releases

43 - Helpful SFDX Commands

44 - Helpful VS Code Extensions