
Get Started with Triggered Flows

Identify uses for record-triggered flows. Give examples of the three types of flow triggers. Based on business requirements, select the best options for your record-triggered flow.
  • Flow Types
    • Three general types of flows:
      • Screen Flow: launched by quick actions, lightning page, experience cloud site, etc. Provide a UI that guides users through a business process.
      • Autolaunched Flow: launched by another flow, Apex code, or REST API. Automate business processes that have no UI. They have no trigger and they run in the background.
      • Triggered Flow: launched by time, data change, or platform event. Autolaunched by a trigger you specify and run in the background.
  • Tools
    • Flow Builder has replaced Workflow Rules and Process Builder as the primary automation builder on the platform
    • Provides debugging, testing, and intgration with functions across the platform
    • Record-Triggered flows can update a Salesforce record 10 times faster than a record-change process built with process builder
  • Triggered Flows
    • Triggered flows consist of:
      1. A trigger: identifies what launches the flow
      2. At least one criterion: defines the specifics of the trigger
      3. At least one action: determines what the flow does
  • Trigger Types
    • Three types of triggers:
      • Schedule: runs at t time and frequency you specify. Use it to run nightly batch jobs.
      • Platform Event: runs when a particular platform event message is received. Use it to subscribe to events. Use it to subscribe to events.
      • Record: runs when a record is created, updated, or deleted. Use it to update records and send notifications.
  • Record-Triggered Flows
    • Record Triggered Flows are the most commonly used automation - its the best way to interact with records in your org
    • “If something happens, then do something else.”
    • Can run when a record is:
      • Created, Updated, Created or Updated, Deleted
    • They can:
      • Update another record, send a notification, initiate a process, maintain data consistency
    • Because the flow is triggered when a record has been changed, that original change is already on its way to the database. This is often called a transaction, and is referred to as the “initial triggering transaction”
    • Fine tune the timing of the automation with different options:
      • Fast Field Update: runs during the record update that triggered the flow and before that update is saved
        • Use it to update the record that triggered the transaction
        • Benefit: optimal performance since its limited to updating the triggering record
      • Related Records and Actions: runs during the record update that triggered the flow and after that update is saved
        • Use it to create, update, or delete other records. Or call subflows. Or call actions, such as sending an email alert or posting to chatter.
        • Benefit: automates common processes triggered by record changes.
      • Run Asynchronously: runs immediately after the record update that triggered the flow is complete
        • Use it to execute more advanced scenarios like sending requests to external systems or performing other longer running processes
        • Benefit: avoids slowing down or blocking the record update that triggered the flow
      • Scheduled Paths: in the future, after the trigger has fired, based on dates and times
        • Use it to schedule reminders or follow-ups based on dates in the record that triggered the flow, such as Close Date

  • If you want to automate a process every time a contact is added to an account, use a Triggered Flow
  • The record-triggered flow option to use to send a subscription renewal offer one month before the current subscription expires: Scheduled Paths

Build a Record-Triggered Flow

Define the key components used to create a record-triggered process. Describe when to use Fast Field Updates. Describe when to use Actions and Related Records. Identify options for when to run a flow when a record is updated. Build a flow that creates a draft contract based on a change in the opportunity.
  • Business Requirement
    • Business requirement is what you want your flow to do
    • Three parts: trigger, criteria, action
    • Ex: “If an opportunity is created or updated (trigger) and it’s high-value and closed won (criteria), then create a draft contract (action).”
  • Plan and Explain Your Flow
    • Consider three questions:
      • Run immediately or is it scheduled?
      • Create another record or just update a record?
      • Run every time a record is updated or only the first time its criteria are met?
  • Note the options available for “When to Run the Flow for Updated Records”
    • “Every time a record is updated and meets the condition requirements” - Executes more frequently
    • “Only when a record is updated to meet the condition requirements” - Executes less frequently, just went switching from not meeting to meeting the requirementss

Add a Scheduled Task to Your Flow

Identify two ways to trigger a flow on a schedule. Create a scheduled path to run a record-triggered flow at a specified time.
  • Automation on a Schedule
    • Two types of delay:
      • Specific: runs at a specified date and time, once daily or weekly. Ex: August 18 at 5:00 PM
        • Use it to perform operations on multiple records as a batch by configuring the Start element to filter for the specified records
      • Relative: runs at a specified time relative to a date in the record that triggered the flow. Ex: 6 hours after a case is created, 2 days before the renewal date for an account
        • Plan one or more automations to run after the trigger fires
  • Business Requirement
    • “Remind the opportunity owner to follow up with the account owner 5 days after the opportunity closes.”

Meet Flow Trigger Explorer

Use Flow Trigger Explorer to access information about objects and automations. Use Flow Trigger Explorer to change the order in which record-triggered flows run. Use the Time-Based Workflow page to monitor pending actions in individual instances of flows.
  • Open Flow Trigger Explorer
    • Can be opened from using a link available when viewing flows on the object in question, or from the Object page in Object Manager
  • Reorder Your Flows
    • Using the Edit Order button in Flow Trigger explorer, it is possible to reorder the order of execution of launched flows
  • Monitor Your Record-Triggered Flows
    • Use the Time-Based Workflow page to see individual instances of flows with a scheduled path, so you can monitor pending automation
    • Access Time-Based Workflow page from Setup > Quick Find > “Time” > Time-Based Workflow