Chatter Administration for Lightning Experience

Get Started with Chatter

Identify Chatter publisher features. Enable Chatter email notifications. Locate and describe org settings for Chatter.
  • System-generated posts about record updates are called “Feed Tracked Changes,” or FTCs
  • Chatter email settings can be modified from Setup > Quick Find > Email Settings
  • Chatter is a Salesforce collaboration tool to help users work efficiently across the organization regardless of role or location
  • To help users stay on top of important discussions without being overwhelmed by email, Salesforce recommends notifying a user when someone mentions them in a post or a comment or posts to their profile.

Work with Chatter Groups

Describe groups. Find and use group administrative features. Create public and private groups.
  • Groups are the main collaboration space in Chatter.
    • Groups can be Public, Private, Unlisted (invitation only and don’t appear in lists/search results), or Broadcast Only (make announcements only)
    • Groups can be organized around projects, topics, or business lines, for example. Example groups:
      • All Company (public—internal facing)
      • [Project Name] Team (private)
      • Competitive (public—internal facing)
      • Product Feedback (public)
      • Marketing (private)
      • Sales (public—internal facing)
      • [Customer Name] Meetings (private)
      • [Department Name] Policies (broadcast—internal facing)
  • Accessible from the Groups tab in Salesforce
    • Each group has an auto-generated Group Email that users can use to post to the group feed through email.
  • Groups have a “Group Layout” page layout similar to record page layouts. Access and modify via: Setup > Quick Find > “Group Layout”
  • Group Managers have the same rights and privileges as the Group Owner

Enable Feed Tracking

Describe feed tracking. Enable and configure feed tracking for an object.
  • Feed Tracking is a way of seeing changes to records that users follow. Many objects are tracked by default, and any object can be added.
    • Feed Tracking must be enabled for an object for Chatter to be available to it. The only exceptions to this rule are Group, Site, and User objects.
    • Up to 20 fields/object can be tracked, but tracking too many will create too much noise in users' feeds.
  • Enable Feed Tracking via Setup > Quick Find > Feed Tracking
  • Feed Tracked Changes are bundled together when at least three FTCs with the same parent ID are formed within a specified time. The default is 1440 minutes.

Approve Records from a Chatter Feed

Enable approval requests in Chatter. Create a template for approval posts. Create a simple approval process using the Jump Start Wizard.
  • Approval Requests can be tracked in Chatter. Enabling this should be done in the following series of steps:
    1. Enable approval requests in Chatter. Setup > Chatter Settings > Allow Approvals checkbox
    2. Create an approval post template. Setup > Quick Find > “Post Templates” > Post templates
    3. Create an approval process.
    4. Enable feed tracking.
  • Post Templates help to standardize approval posts that appear in Chatter

Develop a Rollout Strategy

Identify the top priority use cases for Chatter in your org. Put together a launch plan for Chatter. Decide whether to turn on Chatter for all users in your company or do a profile-based rollout.
  • For many companies, Chatter represents a cultural shift and requires champions at all levels of the organization to make adoption a success.
    • Salesforce recommends these champions include: Executive Sponsor, Evangelist, Community Manager
  • Example Chatter use cases:
    • All-Hands Chatter group
    • #CorporateGoals Chatter topic
    • A series of quick polls to gauge employee reaction to a company directive
    • A Competitive Strategy Chatter group where you can share insights on your competitors
    • An Event Planning Chatter group where you can collaborate while planning a department event
  • Reference other best-practices for Chatter rollout here
  • Download Salesforce Chatter dashboards to monitor adoption
  • A Chatter launch plan should include advertising and explaining Chatter to your users so they get excited about what’s coming.
  • A profile-based Chatter deployment can be useful to larger organizations because it allows for a controlled, department-by-department deployment.
    • Involves controlling access by profile or permission set