Trust and Influence

Develop Trusted Relationships

Identify the importance of trust to your business. Consider how well you are building trust on your team. Use techniques to build and maintain trust over time.
  • Understand the Business Value of Trust
    • Trust is Salesforce’s number one value
    • Trust drives:
      1. Employee engagement, learning and development, and productivity
      2. Teamwork and collaboration
      3. Risk taking and innovation
      4. Customer loyalty and retention
      5. Business results and profit growth
    • When there isn’t trust, employees may put in less effort, feel apathetic toward their jobs, leave, or “quit and stay”
  • Evaluate How Well You Are Trusted
    • Most companies have a way to measure customer trust through surveys and data analysis
    • Companies also evaluate employee trust through employee surveys that ask questions about
      • vision and strategy
      • communication and transparency
      • how often team members ask each other for help
      • openness of leaders to ideas and suggestions
      • how well leaders admin mistakes
      • confidence in senior leadership
    • Consider the following to determine how well team members trust you:
      • Do I know my team members personally?
      • How honest am I when I communicate?
      • Do I openly admit my mistakes?
      • Do I ask my team members for feedback?
      • Do I follow through on what I say I’ll do?
  • Build and Maintain Trust - 5 ways
    1. Create a personal connection
      • When your employees know you as a person, and you take the time to ask them about themselves, you’ll build trust
      • A good way to have one-on-one meetings is to go outside or have a coffee
    2. Be transparent and truthful
      • Communicate frequently
      • Share what you can when you can - its okay to say “I don’t know”
      • Be fearless and tell the truth, even if its bad news
      • Ask for questions and concerns, and listen and respond
      • Don’t punish people for raising issues
      • Ask people for input on decisions that impact them
    3. Act on feedback
      • Identify specific behaviors that you’ll start, stop, or continue doing
      • Ask team members or manager to observe what you are doing and give feedback
      • Monitor your progress and make adjustments as needed
    4. Own up to your mistakes
      • Making yourself vulnerable by admitting mistakes is a powerful way to build trust. This means:
        • Having the courage to tell others when you’ve made a mistake
        • Apologizing, and taking ownership and accountability, if appropriate
        • Communicating what you’ve learned from the mistake
    5. Be consistent
      • Do what you say you’ll do, and follow through
      • Share the rationale behind decisions
      • Remain positive even if you disagree with a change
      • Be reliable and trustworthy
      • Keep your promises
      • Communicate information without withholding the tough stuff
      • Recognize others equally
  • When building trust:
    • DO get to know your team members and let them get to know you - DON’T make your relationship just focused on the work, not the person
    • DO tell the truth and be honest - DON’T withhold information or shy away from communicating messages that might be tough to hear
    • DO take action to change your behaviors based on feedback you are given - DON’T dismiss feedback from team members when you don’t agree
    • DO admit your mistakes - DON’T hide your mistakes to avoid embarrassment
    • DO follow through on what you’ll say you’ll do - DON’T make promises you can’t keep or do something different from what you agreed to

Influence Others

Identify your natural influencing style. Determine when to use the best influencing style. Learn strategies to influence effectively. Build an influence plan.
  • Introduction
    • As businesses become more global and organizations flatten, you’ll likely need to influence others you have no direct authority over
  • Influencing styles
    • Everyone tends to have a preferred, natural style, but certain styles are more appropriate with different audiences and at different times
    • 5 styles:
      • Collaborative
        • Asking questions to understand needs
        • Focusing on shared goals
        • Working with the other person to find a solution that satisfies both people’s concerns
        • Appropriate when stakes are high and you need collaboration to be successful
        • Inappropriate when time is short
      • Assertive
        • Using your authority to state your point of view
        • Standing up for and defending the position you believe is right
        • Making sure your ideas are heard when others disagree
        • Appropriate when things need to move fast
        • Inappropriate in situations where you might not have all the facts
      • Analytical
        • Using logic and facts to reason objectively
        • Using your expertise to persuade others
        • Presenting the pros and cons of each solution
        • Appropriate when you have information and facts that others don’t and there are risks to taking the wrong course of action
        • Inappropriate for some audiences that have a strong perspective and are more emotive
      • Accommodating
        • Making tradeoffs and exchanges to reach an outcome
        • Looking for middle ground where you both are satisfied
        • Looking for a solution that’s acceptable to both parties
        • Appropriate when you need a decision that’s viewed as fair and maintaining strong relationships is critical
        • Inappropriate when there are serious “non-negotiables” in play
      • Inspiring
        • Choosing an interesting, memorable, engaging way to present your point of view
        • Telling compelling stories that paint a picture of what’s possible
        • Communicating your position with optimism and enthusiasm
        • Appropriate when you need others to feel excited and enthusiastic
        • Inappropriate when the other party doesn’t have the same sense of purpose and goals you do

  • Collaborative style of influencing is appropriate when buy-in from the other team is critical
  • Assertive style of influencing is best when quick, decisive action needs to be taken
  • Effective ways to influence others include maintaining a flexible influencing approach that uses the right style at the right time, finding shared goals and interests, defining the pros and cons of options using logic and data
  • The inspiring style of influencing is used when the other person responds well to charisma, enthusiasm, and emotion