Design Patterns

List of Design Patterns with “Best practices and guidance for your solutions” on the Salesforce Architects Diagrams Page

  • Publish / Subscribe - Multiple publishers and subscribers sharing data through an event bus.
  • Publish / Subscribe (Unique Copy) - Exchange messages via one or more channels in an event bus
  • Fanout - Messages are delivered through a single message queue.
  • Claim Check - Lower data volumes being sent through the event bus.
  • Passed Messages - Segment the message handling logic into multiple components.
  • Streaming - Unique copies of each message stream are sent to each subscriber.
  • Queuing - Producers send messages to queues, which hold the messages until subscribers retrieve them.
  • Hospitality Loyalty Management Process - The time based interactions of systems in a hospitality loyalty management process.
  • Retail Loyalty Management Process - The time based interactions of systems in a retail loyalty management process.
  • Bi-Directional Data Replication with Heroku Connect - Use Heroku Connect in bidirectional data replication scenarios.
  • Data Synchronization Via Claim Check Messaging - Syncronize data at scale with Heroku Postgres and Apache Kafka on Heroku.
  • Data Transformation at Scale with Passed Messages - Handle complex, high volume data transformation with Apache Kafka on Heroku.
  • Data Synchronization at Scale with Heroku Connect - Handle high volume API requests and sync data at scale with Heroku Connect
  • Data Synchronization with Salesforce Streaming Events - Push data asynchronously with a streaming event architecture.