Data Management

Import Data

Describe and compare the different options for importing data into Salesforce. List the steps involved in preparing and importing data from a sample .csv file using the Data Import Wizard.
  • External .CSV data can be imported into Salesforce
  • Two main methods:
    • Data Import Wizard: accessible from Setup. Use when:
      • You need to load less than 50,000 records.
      • The objects you need to import are supported by the wizard.
      • You don’t need the import process to be automated.
    • Data Loader: client application, up to 5 million records, user interface or command line, this makes it possible to automate import using API calls Use when:
      • If you need to load more than 5 million records, we recommend you work with a Salesforce partner or visit the AppExchange for a suitable partner product.
      • You need to load into an object that is not supported by the Data Import Wizard.
      • You want to schedule regular data loads, such as nightly imports.
  • Enter Data Import Wizard in quick find box to access it.
    • The user who starts the data import receives a status email when the import is completed.
  • Data integration rules:
    • Multi-Select Picklists: To import multiple values into a multi-select picklist, separate the values by a semicolon in your import file.
    • Checkboxes: To import data into a checkbox field, use 1 for checked values and 0 for unchecked values.
    • Default Values: For picklist, multi-select picklist, and checkbox fields, if you do not map the field in the import wizard, the default value for the field, if any, is automatically inserted into the new or updated record.
    • Date/Time Fields: Ensure that the format of any date/time fields you are importing matches how they display in Salesforce per your locale setting.
    • Formula Fields: Formula fields cannot accept imported data because they are read-only.
    • Field Validation Rules: Salesforce runs validation rules on records before they are imported. Records that fail validation aren’t imported. Consider deactivating the appropriate validation rules before running an import if they affect the records you are importing.

Export Data

Describe and compare the two methods of exporting data from Salesforce. Export data manually using the Data Export Wizard. Set up automatic export of data on a weekly or monthly schedule.
  • You can easily export data from Salesforce, either manually or on an automatic schedule. The data is exported as a set of comma-separated values (CSV) files.
  • Two main methods:
    • Data Export Wizard: allows manual or automatic data exports, available as an in-browser wizard
    • Data Loader: client application installed separately. Useful if you want to automate export or use APIs to integrate another system
  • Enter Data Export Wizard in quick find box to access it.
    • The Export Now option prepares your files for export immediately. This option is only available if enough time has passed since your last export.
      • Allowed as often as weekly.
    • Schedule Export option can be schedule at Weekly or Monthly intervals.