Linear Regression Implementations

Implementing Mini-Batch Gradient Descent Using Numpy

%matplotlib inline
%config InlineBackend.figure_format = 'retina'

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

$$\hat{y} = Wx + b$$

$$Error = \frac{1}{2m} \sum^m_{i=1}(y-\hat{y})^2$$

$$\frac{\partial}{\partial W} Error = \frac{\partial Error}{\partial \hat{y}} \frac{\partial \hat{y}}{\partial W} = -(y-\hat{y})x$$

$$\frac{\partial}{\partial b} Error = \frac{\partial Error}{\partial \hat{y}} \frac{\partial \hat{y}}{\partial b} = -(y-\hat{y})$$

$$W \rightarrow W - \alpha \frac{\partial}{\partial W} Error$$

def MSEStep(X, y, W, b, learn_rate = 0.005):
    This function implements the gradient descent step for squared error as a
    performance metric.
    X : array of predictor features
    y : array of outcome values
    W : predictor feature coefficients
    b : regression function intercept
    learn_rate : learning rate

    W_new : predictor feature coefficients following gradient descent step
    b_new : intercept following gradient descent step
    y_pred = np.matmul(X, W) + b
    error = y - y_pred
    W_new = W + learn_rate * np.matmul(error, X)
    b_new = b + learn_rate * error.sum()
    return W_new, b_new
# The gradient descent step will be performed multiple times on
# the dataset, and the returned list of regression coefficients
# will be plotted.
def miniBatchGD(X, y, batch_size = 20, learn_rate = 0.005, num_iter = 25):
    This function performs mini-batch gradient descent on a given dataset.

    X : array of predictor features
    y : array of outcome values
    batch_size : how many data points will be sampled for each iteration
    learn_rate : learning rate
    num_iter : number of batches used

    regression_coef : array of slopes and intercepts generated by gradient
      descent procedure
    n_points = X.shape[0]
    W = np.zeros(X.shape[1]) # coefficients
    b = 0 # intercept
    # run iterations
    regression_coef = [np.hstack((W,b))]
    for _ in range(num_iter):
        batch = np.random.choice(range(n_points), batch_size)
        X_batch = X[batch,:]
        y_batch = y[batch]
        W, b = MSEStep(X_batch, y_batch, W, b, learn_rate)
    return regression_coef
# perform gradient descent
data = np.loadtxt('linear-regression-implementations/data.csv', 
                  delimiter = ',')
X = data[:,:-1]
y = data[:,-1]

regression_coef = miniBatchGD(X, y)

X_min = X.min()
X_max = X.max()
counter = len(regression_coef)
for W, b in regression_coef:
    counter -= 1
    color = [1 - 0.92 ** counter for _ in range(3)]
    plt.plot([X_min, X_max],[X_min * W + b, X_max * W + b], color = color)
plt.scatter(X, y, zorder = 3)


Linear Regression on a Dataset from Gapminder

import pandas as pd
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
filepath = 'linear-regression-implementations/bmi_and_life_expectancy.csv'
bmi_life_data = pd.read_csv(filepath)

Country Life expectancy BMI
0 Afghanistan 52.8 20.62058
1 Albania 76.8 26.44657
2 Algeria 75.5 24.59620
3 Andorra 84.6 27.63048
4 Angola 56.7 22.25083
x_values = (bmi_life_data['BMI']
            .reshape(-1, 1))
y_values = (bmi_life_data['Life expectancy']
            .reshape(-1, 1))

bmi_life_model = LinearRegression(), y_values)

laos_life_exp = bmi_life_model.predict([[21.07931]])

Linear Regression on the Boston Housing Dataset

The Boston dataset consists of 13 features of 506 houses as well as the median home value in thousands of dollars.

from sklearn.datasets import load_boston
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
boston_data = load_boston()
x = boston_data['data']
y = boston_data['target']

print(x.shape, y.shape)
(506, 13) (506,)
boston_model = LinearRegression().fit(x, y)

sample_house = [[2.29690000e-01, 0.00000000e+00, 1.05900000e+01, 
                 0.00000000e+00, 4.89000000e-01, 6.32600000e+00, 
                 5.25000000e+01, 4.35490000e+00, 4.00000000e+00, 
                 2.77000000e+02, 1.86000000e+01, 3.94870000e+02, 
prediction = boston_model.predict(sample_house)

Polynomial Regression

The dataset is small (20 samples) and nonlinear.

import pandas as pd
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
from sklearn.preprocessing import PolynomialFeatures
filepath = 'linear-regression-implementations/poly-reg-data.csv'
poly_reg_data = (pd.read_csv(filepath)

(20, 2)

Var_X Var_Y
0 -2.79140 4.29794
1 -1.48662 7.22328
2 -1.19438 5.16161
3 -1.01925 5.31123
4 -0.65046 8.43823
X = (poly_reg_data['Var_X']
     .reshape(-1, 1))
y = (poly_reg_data['Var_Y']
     .reshape(-1, 1))
print(X.shape, y.shape)
(20, 1) (20, 1)

Degree 2: $w_1 X^2 + w_2 X + w_3$
Degree 3: $w_1 X^3 + w_2 X^2 + w_3 X + w_4$
Degree 4: $w_1 X^4 + w_2 X^3 + w_3 X^2 + w_4 X + w_5$

def fit_and_plot_poly_deg(degree):
    poly_feat = PolynomialFeatures(degree)
    X_poly = poly_feat.fit_transform(X)
    print('X_poly shape is: {}'.format(str(X_poly.shape)))

    poly_model = LinearRegression().fit(X_poly, y)
    y_pred = poly_model.predict(X_poly)

    plt.scatter(X, y, zorder=3)
    plt.plot(X, y_pred, color='black');
X_poly shape is: (20, 3)


X_poly shape is: (20, 4)


X_poly shape is: (20, 5)


Regularization with Lasso

import pandas as pd
from sklearn.linear_model import Lasso
filepath = 'linear-regression-implementations/lasso_data.csv'
lasso_data = pd.read_csv(filepath,
(100, 7)

0 1 2 3 4 5 6
0 1.25664 2.04978 -6.23640 4.71926 -4.26931 0.20590 12.31798
1 -3.89012 -0.37511 6.14979 4.94585 -3.57844 0.00640 23.67628
2 5.09784 0.98120 -0.29939 5.85805 0.28297 -0.20626 -1.53459
3 0.39034 -3.06861 -5.63488 6.43941 0.39256 -0.07084 -24.68670
4 5.84727 -0.15922 11.41246 7.52165 1.69886 0.29022 17.54122
X = (lasso_data[lasso_data.columns[0:6]]
y = (lasso_data[lasso_data.columns[6]]
print(X.shape, y.shape)
(100, 6) (100,)
lasso_reg = Lasso().fit(X, y)
array([ 0.        ,  2.35793224,  2.00441646, -0.05511954, -3.92808318,
        0.        ])

Lasso used regularization to zero out the coefficients for two of the input features, columns 0 and 6.


This example uses the same data as in the “Regularization with Lasso” example above, except it standardizes it.

from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
X = (lasso_data[lasso_data.columns[0:6]]
y = (lasso_data[lasso_data.columns[6]]
print(X.shape, y.shape)
(100, 6) (100,)
scaler = StandardScaler()

X_scaled = scaler.fit_transform(X)
lasso_reg = Lasso().fit(X_scaled, y)
array([  0.        ,   3.90753617,   9.02575748,  -0.        ,
       -11.78303187,   0.45340137])

Note that following regularization, Lasso has zeroed out the coefficients for different columns, namely 0 and 4 rather than 0 and 6.

This is an example of why it is important to apply feature scaling before using regularization techniques.