About Ryan
I am a data analyst with two years’ experience manipulating, analyzing, and reporting on data. I am currently employed by The Wonderful Company’s philanthropic Education Initiative. Our mission is to increase educational attainment in California’s Central Valley.
My role within our organization is to perform quick-turnaround analytics of student and educator performance using semi-structured data. Python, Tableau, and concepts from relational database theory are my primary tools.

Prior to my career transition into analytics, I worked as a mechanical engineer for four years. In 2016 I returned to school to obtain my MBA. In business school I gained a new appreciation of what data abundance means for society and how it is transforming business. Impressed with the opportunities created by the “big data” phenomenon, I pursued specialized technical training in the area and discovered a passion for the subject. I began working with data full-time in June of 2017.
To facilitate my career transition into this emerging field, I’ve completed formal computer science courses through Georgia Tech and informal credentials through various online learning platforms. My data science self-education process is ongoing and supports my long-term aspiration of working as a data scientist.
Curriculum Vitae
Data Analyst Nanodegree (2018)
Python, SQL, Tableau, Inferential Statistics
UdacityMBA (2018)
Summa Cum Laude
Selected as my cohort’s Outstanding Graduate by business school faculty
Cal State University BakersfieldBS in Mechanical Engineering (2013)
Computer Science minor, Mechatronics concentration
Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo
Work Experience
Data Analyst (2018 - Present)
The Wonderful Company
Quick-turnaround analytics and reporting on semi-structured data using Python and TableauDesign Engineer (2015 - 2017)
Western Power ProductsProduct Development Engineer (2013 - 2015)
ITT Aerospace ControlsMechanical Design Intern (2012)
ITT Aerospace ControlsEngineering Co-op (2011)
Parker Fluid Systems Division
Other Coursework
- Introduction to Data Science in Python (2019, University of Michigan via Coursera)
- How Google does Machine Learning (2018, Google Cloud via Coursera)
- Business Metrics for Data-Driven Companies (2018, Duke University via Coursera)
- Mastering Data Analysis in Excel (2018, Duke University via Coursera)
- The Complete SQL Bootcamp (2018, Udemy)
Managing Big Data with MySQL (2018, Duke University via Coursera)
Database Systems Concepts and Design (2019, Georgia Tech)
Masters-level course in database application development